The Board of Directors of KC2026 has established this Procurement Policy to promote the efficient operation of KC2026 by establishing policy statements, guidelines, and procedures for the acquisition of products and services by KC2026 while ensuring the process is aligned with the KC2026 philosophy and provides accountability.

Procurement Philosophy

In pursuit of a supply chain that supports our goal to advance the social welfare, health, and economic interest of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area and the surrounding region, KC2026 will work to provide procurement opportunities for regional and diverse-owned suppliers when practical. KC2026 will conduct outreach with regional and diverse business associations to increase awareness of products and services needed.

KC2026 will work to create mutually beneficial business relationships with regional and diverse-owned suppliers. We will strive for procurement processes and practices that will enhance opportunities for regional and diverse vendors, including efforts to:

  1. Seek certified regional and diverse-owned vendors that fit our needs and standards.
  2. Identify regional and diverse-owned vendors through engagement with a variety of regional and minority business councils and support our employees/partners efforts to comply with this philosophy.
  3. Engaging regional community and civic leaders in outreach to regionally-based and diverse-owned businesses.

Current Opportunities

One Year to Go Event Production Lead RFP

The proposal window is closed. KC2026 is evaluating submitted entries.